By Professor Michael C. Geokas


The Commissioner of Highway Patrol (CHP) State of California, Mr. Dwight Helmick with a letter on March 16th 2004, to the new Minister of  Public Order in Greece, Mr. George Voulgarakis, has offered the free of charge, advanced postgraduate training of Greek Highway Patrol Officers, at the famous CHP Academy of California. 


In his letter Mr. Helmick, a known Philhellene, describes the following:


"Recently, Dr. Michael C. Geokas,(Em) Professor of Medicine and Biological Chemistry at the University of California, Davis, and president of the Demokritos society of America, contacted me about assisting the Greek Government in maximizing traffic safety and management during the upcoming 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens.  Specifically, he proposed that a group of Greek highway patrol officers attend some advanced training courses at the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Academy to enhance their skills in traffic management and safety and apply these lessons in the operational plans developed to handle transportation concerns during the games. The CHP and I would be pleased and honored to host officers from Greece and provide them with this important training.”


“If you are interested in pursuing this arrangement, it would be helpful for our Academy instructors to know what specific areas of instruction your officers would find most helpful.  The CHP has experience with developing and implementing broad-based traffic management plans, having been intimately involved with the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.  We also have experience with dignitary protection, and since the September 11th terrorist attacks, also with homeland security issues.  California's current budget crisis and its impact on departmental operations require that all expenses for travel, lodging, and meals be covered by your government.  There would be no cost, however, for use of our Academy facilities by your personnel.  As the 2004 Summer Olympic Games make this historic return to their birthplace, the CHP is honored to be considered worthy of assisting you in this massive planning effort.  I am confident your attention to detail and to the safety of the athletes, spectators, and the many venues throughout Athens will result in world-wide applause for Greece and its citizens."


THE VALUE OF THIS OFFER: The value of Mr. Helmick's offer is substantial for the new Government of Greece, due to the fact that the advanced training of Greek Highway Patrol Officers will be extremely beneficial.  The association with the CHP will be doubly helpful, for augmenting traffic safety, during the Olympics and for the next four years as well.  California traffic safety experts emphasize, that the multitude of Athletes, Spectators and members of international Media outlets will not necessarily remain within the confines of the Attika basin, for the entire period of the games.  They instead, will venture towards the countryside of Greece (The Mecca of Tourism) for visiting famous places such as: Acro-Corinthos, Epidaurus, Olympia, Delphi, Dion, Vergina, Crete and others Islands, which means their extensive use of the traffic-network in Greece, with all the well known dangers associate with such endeavor.  Traffic accidents with dead and injured and the instant transmission of the bad news, to all corners of the planet, will be unavoidable.


Even the advanced re-training of a few groups of Greek Highway Patrol Officers at this point in time, will be invaluable, followed by a four year systematic training of substantial numbers of them, which will be beneficial towards  a drastic reduction of the number of victims of the "asphalt genocide."  The post-graduate training will include both tutorial, and practical, hands on experience, in traffic management and safety and in handling and safe disposal of Chemical, Biological and Radioactive materials, which are of course related to anti-terrorism training.  The CHP has a special Unit (The Bioterrorism Hazardous Material Unit) that will be responsible for such specialized training.


THE CHP ACADEMY: California with a population of 35,000,000, a size threefold larger than Greece, with 22,000,000 vehicles of all types and a huge road-network to boot, is blessed with the best CHP and CHP Academy in America.  Specifically, the Academy, which resembles a Military College, has extensive facilities and sizable personnel and has already trained members of the Highway Patrol of other nations.


CONCLUSION: This offer from Commissioner Helmick, represents a God-send low cost opportunity for educational and technical upgrading and modernization of Greek Highway Patrol, first for the Olympics and subsequently for the four years to come.  As the first step the Chief of Highway Patrol of Greece or his designee should come to California for developing the specific training program, in cooperation with the Officials of the CHP Academy and then the trainees could come shortly after that. In effect, with his letter to the Minister of Public Order, Mr. George Voulgarakis, the Highway Patrol Commissioner has placed the CHP Academy at the disposal of the new Greek Government, which is by itself an unprecedented event.  The underlying small secret is, that in Northern California there is a thriving Greek-American community of about 80,000 people, with considerable influence on the affairs of our community at large.  The Think-Tank of our Society in close cooperation with the Omogenia, within the Sacramento and San Francisco areas, will do its best for the success of the proposed training program for the Greek Highway Patrol Officers, due to our strong determination in reducing the number of victims on the asphalt of Greece.  Finally, I urge the good Minister of Public Order in Greece (An Economist with a Ph.D. degree from the University of Athens) to quickly accept the generous and timely offer of the Philhellene CHP Commissioner, for the good of the people of Greece and their most precious guests, at the Olympics 2004, and beyond.




Michael C. Geokas, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.

(Em) Professor of Medicine and Biological

Chemistry, UC, Davis School of Medicine,




THINK-TANK, devoted to issue of Hellenism.